DEVLOG 10 PT 1 "Reflect on your project"

  1. other than a possible (probable) giant Git mess this week, how else are you feeling?

I'm pretty happy that I was able to get some aspects done on my end, I'm not really confident in my coding so this was really good for me I think.

      2. what are you working on this week? is there anything you don't know how to do?

Just slowly but surely developing an AI system for the spawning monsters. They need to hold weight when you fight them, and they also need to only interact with the player.

     3. Where did Darklands fall apart at the development level?

Darklands seemed to fall apart when they didn't establish a central hub of communication, mainly in order to keep everyone on the same track in terms of functionality and idea. The lead programmer thought it was a fighting game, which was one of its aspects but wasn't the entirely of the game, so later development and collaboration would be very difficult.

     4. If you were in charge of Darklands' development team, what would you cut from its design? What would you keep? And why?

For starters, I would cut the very unnecessary factors that a) might distract from making a quality game (an issue when trying to compete with newer upcoming games) and b) overwhelm the system to the point to where it becomes more tedious and less fun to use. Some of these factors might be the aging factor, which only causes to stress the player and think about time management instead of enjoying the game. Darklands does have some fairly unique mechanics in there, but implementing too many systems to use and keep track of can overwhelm the player, and we're looking for genuine interactive gameplay, not a simulator of necessarily real life aspects.