• which of Michael Brough's steps seem most important to you? why?

I think one of the most important steps might be step 3, which is starting with the smallest thing, like controls. Sometimes I find it difficult to begin a project simply because there is so much to do and it can be overwhelming. Working on the smallest thing first helps me actually get something done, and helps me get into the working mood so that I could tackle the bigger parts of the project.

  • so... what is your midterm game concept? (2-3 sentences maximum)

I might do something akin to a tea house or a cafe for my space, a smaller area which I can put detail in. You might have to pickup objects or talk to people, I don’t know what yet. But you’ll essentially be a costumer buying a drink.

  • what will happen in it? how big will your game world be? can you build all that?

I’m trying to keep it on the small side, though I’m gonna balance between how small it’ll be and what amount of detail I can put in it. At the very least I’ll try to put the more larger pieces in before working on smaller things!

  • what will be hard to make? foresee any difficulties? what do you need to learn to do?

Everything will be a challenge, no worries on that end. I guess just making everything come together in a reasonable amount of time will be the main struggle, but knowing me just coding will put me through my paces. I maybe would like to learn a bit more animation, but I’ll see what I can pick up in this short amount of time.